jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

Equal oportunities of work in Finland

The Finnish educational system is free public since a child is born until he makes his doctorate at the university. But it is also mandatory seven to 16 years. At this stage all studying the same thing and the Government also intends to do so in the same building, or as close as possible, to ensure a continuous monitoring of the student. This system shows the ideal way that the people in the world must continue to emerge from underdevelopment.

Moreover this form of education reflects the ideal parameters that all the countries must evaluate to obtain real results with regard to education. This system has been imposed in many countries in Europe and shows the new perspective of education that explain the new policies referring to the commitment of the Government and

Other people think that the government can't afford paying the education of all the young citizens in the country. I think is better for the government to pay education to those students who have great GPA's, those who are financially incapable of paying for school with the condition that they have good scores and behavior throughout school. Also for those who are in a higher rank of education, by means of college and universities, should get a work and try to pay for their schools, since they are the most expensive ones around the world

In conclusion, many people think that the policies that finish government established could be a great example to follow for obtains the adequate form of education but other people think that the role of government is outdated.

martes, 1 de abril de 2008

People and culture

The people in Finland are usually reserved and have similar behaviors with respect Sweden and Norway people. These people love nature and tranquility but many of them prefer the activities in the city. Many people are reserved with the foreign people and them like compare with other people in the other countries. There are proud because Finland was a poor country at the beginning of the century XX and nowadays is one of the richest countries in the world. The social equity is one of the most important aspects in their culture and this idealism is the same in the other countries in Europe. The celebrate dates in Finland are similar with regard to America and Europe, the independence day was December 6 (the local name is Itsenäisyyspäivä) and its so representative becuase after enjoying a status of autonomy, Finland was declared independent 1917. The people in Finland try to keep develop the industries and propose some strategies to increase the economy in the future. Other important aspect that involves Finland is that joined to the European Union in 1995 and is the only Scandinavian country that has adopted the euro, the European currency.