sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008


I´am Juan Camilo Sanatcruz, I studying 5th semester of medicine in the Sabana Universty. I´ve twenty years old and I like play soccer, read in my free time, dance and go to the parties when I can.

The culture in finland it´s hard to define. However, exist general characteristics with regard to the finland society and present culture. The feelings and the lifestyles of people that live in finland it's similar to nordic and sweden pople. The lifestyle of these people depends of the region that they are lived, many people prefers the nature and the quiet life but others need the dinamic enviornment of the te city. It is belived that the people in finlad it´s very reserved but all of these people is friendly with the foreign people.

Besides the finland people are proud to have gone from being a poor country at the begining of XX century to be one of the most rich and representative countries of europe. In addition with this fact finland have been involved in many representative facts related to the develop and policies in europe that makes being one of the most important country in the north of europe.
Moreover the finland people have a unique culture in europe, thier dances, the music, the food are so singular and this fact is the center of the tourism. The atracctions of finland attracted over 4 million visitors in 2005.

In conclusion, finland have a special culture that bring to the people know new things and let the world see the wonderful things that have finland.

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008


I choose this country because have some special traditions and a representative history about the form of government and political system. In addition ,the industries, economy and globalization show the same order in europe but some requirements makes it unic and special.
Finland is a nordic country situated in northern europe. Finland is bordered by Sweden, Russia, Norway and Estonia. The capital is Helsinki. The people in Helsinki have a especific lifestyle becuase everything revolves around the musical influences, for me this the most representative aspect of finland.